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Results 1-3, 3 total, on "solve last layer" (0.04 seconds)

1. Cube Solution Library
100.00 %    
  ...9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min A layer by layer solution for the 4x4x4 cube Diapositive and transcript by Jochen Knippert RIET Michael N. van der Rating: 4.66 Votes: 3 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5... ... Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min A layer-by-layer solution to the 4x4x4 cube poster - dia VAN DER RIET Michael N. Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min A phonetic notation ... ...Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min Cubelike Puzzles. What are they and how do you solve them? EIDSWICK Jack Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Rate th... ...osition LEES R.J. Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min How to solve Rubik's cube OSMAN Eric Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Rate this book ...
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2. Rubik's Pocket Cube: Top Layer
37.80 % have reviewed the Terminology section, you are ready to start solving the Pocket Cube. You will solve the cube in the following order: Top Bottom Corner Positioning Bottom Completion The ... ...solved piece in the upper left-hand corner, spin the bottom of the Pocket Cube until you find the piece you want the Red/Blue/Yellow corner . Note: It is possible that the corner you are looking for i... If this is the case you will need to jump to The Third Corner and then come back to this corner last. Once you have found the piece you wanted, keep turning the bottom u... ...r and then come back to this corner last. Once you have found the piece you wanted, keep turning the bottom until the piece is in the bottom right-hand corner, directly below where you want to place ...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/top/
3. Rubik's Cube: Bottom Corner Position
21.82 % the Blue face is facing down. We will work through the remaining steps this way. Positioning The Last Corner... ...s Find the two corners on the top layer that have ORANGE on them. It does not matter at this time which directions the ORANGE colors face. If the two ORANGE corners are next to each other then rotate ... ...the top layer until you can match your Rubik's Cube to the picture below. NOTE: If the Orange corners are diagonally across from each other you will need to skip to the diagonal procedure. NOTE: The a... ...hopefully just once. Now that you are totally finished with the Corners, you will be ready to fully SOLVE the ent...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/

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