Now that you have reviewed the Terminology section, you are ready to start solving the Rubik's Cube.

The Top Corners

I have based all of the pictures shown here, on the Rubik's Cube that I have. Your colors may be different or they may be on different sides. If this is the case you may have to do some mental juggling to follow along. When this process is finished the top of your cube will look like this:

The First Corner

You will start by solving the BLUE side of the cube. Rotate the cube in your hands until you find the corner with the colors (Blue/Orange/Yellow). Now turn the cube so that the Blue sticker on that corner is facing up and matches the picture below.

Congratulations! You have placed your first piece.

Notice that we considered this piece in place when it was correctly positioned in the upper right-hand corner of the Rubik's Cube. The following procedures for solving the rest of the top corners of the Rubik's Cube also rely on that same assumption.

The Top Center Piece

Before we can continue you must move the appropriate Blue Center piece to the center top position. If you simply rotate the two center rows (highlighted below) you will be able to position the Blue Center where it belongs:

Let's now proceed to the other top corners.

The Second Corner

Before you can put the second corner in place, you need to rotate the cube 1 turn to the left so that the upper right-hand corner does not have a properly positioned piece in it. When we finish putting this second piece in place, your cube will look like this:

Now you need to put the second piece in place. First, let's find it.

Keeping the one solved piece in the upper left-hand corner, spin the bottom of the Rubik's Cube until you find the piece you want (the Blue/Yellow/Red corner).

Once you have found the piece you wanted, keep turning the bottom until the piece is in the bottom right-hand corner, directly below where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three images below. Follow the procedure below the appropriate image to put the piece in its proper place.

The Third Corner

Before you can put the third corner in place, you need to rotate the cube 1 turn to the left so that the upper right-hand corner does not have a properly positioned piece in it, as you did while solving the Second Corner.

Now you need to put the third piece in place. First, let's find it.

Spin the bottom of the Rubik's Cube until you find the piece you want (the Blue/Red/Green corner).

Once you have found the piece you wanted, keep turning the bottom until the piece is in the bottom right-hand corner, directly below where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three images below. Follow the procedure below the appropriate image to put the piece in its proper place.

The Fourth Corner

Before you can put the Fourth corner in place, you need to rotate the cube 1 turn to the left so that the upper right-hand corner does not have a properly positioned piece in it, as you did while solving the Previous Corners.

Now you need to put the fourth piece in place. First, let's find it.

Spin the bottom of the Rubik's Cube until you find the piece you want (the Blue/Green/Orange corner).

Once you have found the piece you wanted, keep turning the bottom until the piece is in the bottom right-hand corner, directly below where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three images below. Follow the procedure below the appropriate image to put the piece in its proper place.

Completing The Top

At this All Of The Top Corners Have Been Completed. If not you may go back and solve: If you are having problems putting a piece in place because it is not on the bottom and is actually in its proper place - however the Blue Side is not facing up - then match your scenario to one of the situations below and follow the steps shown.

When you have completely finished the top corners, you
will be ready to SOLVE the Top Edges