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Results 1-9, 9 total, on "one edge" (0.04 seconds)

1. Rubik's Revenge Solution - Top Bottom Edges
100.00 %    
  ... TOP/BOTTOM EDGES: RED FACE Let's start by completing the Red Edges. The premise for this step is to find and move all appropriate edges, from the two center rows, up onto the Red Side of the cube. U... you can use steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Red Edges are actually on the top but ... the wrong positions. If so, use one of the steps 1-4 to put a bogus piece in it's place, thus forcing it out of the top position. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 ORANGE FACE: Now that the R... ...e. Unfortunately fixing the Orange Side will actually temporarily mess up two of your completed Red Edges that you jus...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topbottomedges/
2. Rubik's Revenge Solution - Side Edges
33.54 %    
  ... SIDE EDGES We will start with Row Two and then complete Row Three . Before we start, rotate your cube sideways so that it matches the image below. You will probably need to spin the second row now s... ...een as column two so that you can position the first edge piece - the Green/Blue Edge. All pieces with dimmed colors are shown for reference only. The normal dark colors represent the pieces we will b... ...e immediately concerned with. ONE DOWN, THREE TO GO... Spin the third column until you can position the next piece Green/White next to the Green/Blue piece as shown. This piece actually belongs below ... ... - If you can not find the third piece on Row Three, perform this move, and look again. THREE DOWN, ONE TO GO... Spin the third column until you can position...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/sideedges/
3. Slideshow for [b][color=#4BF70C]Supernova Square-1 Impossiball Skewb Dogic ...
27.39 %    
  ...ngarian Supernova Date: 09/04/05 HUNGARIAN DODECAHEDRON. As Meffert's dodecahedron but with smaller edge pieces whic... MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON Date: 09/04/05 MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON. A dodecahedron of 30mm edge length cut and turnable as described in Christoph Bandelow: Inside Rubik's Cub... ...Date: 03/11/08 MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON Date: 22/06/06 MEFFERT'S DODECAHEDRON. A dodecahedron of 30mm edge length cut and turnable as described in Christoph B... ...ON. As Meffert's dodecahedron but with smaller edge pieces which gives a starlike pattern on each of the twelve faces. Made in Hungary. Distributed in France by Céji Interlude as Le Diamant Hungaria...
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4. Rubik's Cube: Middle Layer
27.39 %    
  ...nished the entire Top Layer of the cube you are ready to start solving the Middle Layer. The Middle Edges When you finish this next step your cube will look like this: Before we s... 3 possible scenarios you will face when tackling this middle row. To start, simply look at the 4 edges on the Bottom Layer and find one piece that does not belong on the Bottom Layer. Once... ... you have found one, simply rotate the Bottom Layer until you match one of these two possibilities as shown below, and follow the direction below the appropriate match: The third possibility is that ... ... its place - this will force the problem piece to the bottom row so that you can use one of the two methods above to put it back in place. Repeat this process for each edge piece and you will have co...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/centeredge/
5. Rubik's Cube: Top Layer
27.39 %    
  ...Now that you have completed the Top Corners, you are ready to position all of the Top Edges of your Rubik's Cube. The Top Edges When you are finished with this step of the solution, you will have a cu... that looks like this: The Four Top Edges You will need to find an edge piece that belongs on the top layer. So that you do not undo the hard work you accomplished in putting the top corners in pla... ...ce. Spin either the bottom layer or the middle layer in order to position your found piece to match one of the 5 possible scenarios below. Follow the instructions below each scenario to properly ... ...position that one piece. Repeat this process up to 4 time to place all 4 edge pieces on the top. When you have completely finished the top edges, you will be ready to SOLVE the Center Row. ...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/topedges/
6. Rubik's Cube: Bottom Corner Position
19.36 %    
  ...The corners are all finished and just 4 little pieces left to put in place. Last Four Edges Even in the worst possible scenario at least one of the 4 remaining edges is actually in place. Find that pi... ...All pieces are now in place, in fact you may actually be done now. Your cube can now only appear in one of 2 different states. I have ou... ...he needed moves to correct them. The Fish Pattern The 'H' Pattern If you find youself with all four edge flipped I call this the Double 'H' Pattern then you will sim...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomedge/
7. Rubik's Cube: Top Layer
17.68 %    
  ...ll look like this: Now you need to put the second piece in place. First, let's find it. Keeping the one solved piece in the upper left-hand corner, spin the bott... ...ctly below where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three images below. Follow the procedure below the appropriate image to put the piece in its proper place. The Third... ...bottom right-hand corner, directly below where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three im... ...ow where you want to place it. Your Rubik's Cube should match one of the three images below. Follow the procedure below the appropriate image to put the piece in its proper place. Completing The Top ...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/top/
8. Rubik's Revenge Solution - Bottom Corners
13.69 %    
  ...u to flip your cube over again, so that the Orange Side is on the bottom. Fortunately there is only one procedure to remember when orienting the Bottom Corners. Unfortu... ... different configurations if you intend to commit this entire process to memory. Match your cube to one of the 7 patterns below and then follow the accompanying proce... ...finishing the procedure you will either have completed the Bottom Corners or you will have produced one of the other 7 patterns. You may need to perform this step up to a maximum of 3 time... ... will not necessarily match your cube. <img src= pat7.gif tppabs= The next step is to put the Bottom and Top Edges in place. ...
    limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcorners/
9. Slideshow for [b][color=#4BF70C]Pyraminx
11.18 %    
  ...raminx Date: 09/04/05 PYRAMINX. Tetrahedron of 102mm edge length turnable on planes parallel to the faces and trisecting the edges. Ratchet mechanism. Yellow, green, blue and orange triangular sticke... Pyraminx Date: 02/12/07 from 2006 pyrblind Date: 18/02/08 Russian Pyraminx Date: 01/07/06 Russian Pyraminx Date: 01/07/06 russian_pyraminx_101 Date: 14/01/08 russian_pyraminx_100 Date: 14/01/08 ... ...ate: 15/06/09 tetraminx_r9 Date: 15/06/09 [-] Stop Pause Back One Image Show More Info delay: 1 second 3 seconds 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds direction: forward reverse random max size:...
    limit to, this path : gallery2/

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