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Results 1-9, 9 total, on "steps" (0.06 seconds)

1 - [100.00 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topbottomedges/
Summary ...ep below will move bottom pieces up into the two center rows so that you can use steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Red Edges are actually on the top but ... the wrong positions. If so, use one of the steps 1-4 to put a bogus piece in it's place, thus forcing it out of the top position. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 ORANGE FACE: Now that the R... ...t finished placing. That's okay though, because we will soon put them back. When you used steps 1 - 4 above the process successfully moved your piece into place, but it had another, probably unnoticed... ...will move bottom Gray pieces up into the two center rows so that you can use steps 1 through 4 to properly place the pieces. It is also possible that all the Orange Edges are actually on the Orange Fa...
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Page size 22.9 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
2 - [89.44 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/topcorners/
Summary ...return to this step a little later. If you did find a match, follow one of the three steps below to move the piece into its proper place. STEP 3 - Third Corner Before looking for the next corner, s... ...RTH corner and return to this step a little later. If you did find a match, follow one of the three steps below to move the piece ... ...ittle later. If you did find a match, follow one of the three steps below to move the piece into its proper place. STEP 5 - Fixing Problem Corners If the top 4 corners are now finished, you may pro... ... perform the following move. Now the piece is on the bottom layer and you can go back to a previous steps to correctly place that piece: Second Corner Third Corner Fourth Corn...
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Page size 16.0 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
3 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/pocketcube/top/
Summary ...steps shown. When you have completely finished the top, you will be ready to the bottom layer. ...
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Page size 14.1 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
4 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/title/
Summary in 5 steps HENRIKSON Kim Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min Wirrel-Warrel Kubus of I.Q.ube DE GEUS Jan Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 ...
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Page size 14.0 kb
Page date 2006-01-17
5 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/title/
Summary ... S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Title Author Rating Rate it We do the cube in 5 steps HENRIKSON Kim Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1 Rate this book 10 Max 9 8 7 6 5 Medium 4 3 2 1 0 Min Wengerskij scharnirnji k...
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Page size 13.9 kb
Page date 2006-01-17
6 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcenters/
Summary ... Centers This step will work for all 4 of the Red Centers that you need to place. Simply repeat the steps below up to four times to complete the Bottom Centers. Your goals is top...
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Page size 7.6 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
7 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/bottomplace/
Summary ... Rubik's Cube upside down, so that the Blue face is facing down. We will work through the remaining steps this way. Positioning The Last Corner...
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Page size 10.4 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
8 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/rubikscube/top/
Summary ...Blue Side is not facing up - then match your scenario to one of the situations below and follow the steps shown. When you have completely fin...
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Page size 15.8 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
9 - [44.72 %]
Refine search limit to, this path : cube/solutions/revenge/bottomcorners/
Summary ...ceed to the back two corners. If they need to be swapped, follow the steps below: If, however, the two yellow pieces are diagonally across from each other you will need to perform the Diagonal Procedu...
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Page size 12.2 kb
Page date 2006-01-03
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